
4-vinyl cyclohexene    162 4-Vinyl cyclohexene

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    #  Species Formula
   152 3-Methyl hexaneC7H16
   153 3,3-Dimethyl pentaneC7H16
   154 n-HeptaneC7H16
   155 CubaneC8H8
   156 CyclooctatetraeneC8H8
   157 StyreneC8H8
   158 EthylbenzeneC8H10
   159 m-XyleneC8H10
   160 o-XyleneC8H10
   161 p-XyleneC8H10
   162 4-Vinyl cyclohexene C8H12
   163 1,5-CyclooctadieneC8H12
   164 1-OctyneC8H14
   165 2-OctyneC8H14
   166 2,5-Dimethyl 2,4-hexadieneC8H14
   167 3,4-Dimethyl-(E,E)-2,4-hexadieneC8H14
   168 3-OctyneC8H14
   169 3,4-Dimethyl-(E,Z)-2,4-hexadieneC8H14
   170 4-OctyneC8H14
   171 3,4-Dimethyl-(Z,Z)-2,4-hexadieneC8H14
   172 Bicyclo(2.2.2)-octaneC8H14

ΔHf: 16.6 kcal/mol,     REF: NIST Chemistry WebBook, NIST Standard Reference Database, No. 69; W. G. Mallard, P. J. Linstrom, Eds., National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersberg,

4-Vinyl cyclohexene
 H=16.62 HR=NIST
  C     0.00000000 +0    0.0000000 +0    0.0000000 +0     0     0     0
  C     1.33606142 +1    0.0000000 +0    0.0000000 +0     1     0     0
  C     1.49372775 +1  123.4534701 +1    0.0000000 +0     2     1     0
  C     1.54332822 +1  111.6396239 +1  -17.4010711 +1     3     2     1
  C     1.53953982 +1  109.5903690 +1   47.2797569 +1     4     3     2
  C     1.49478971 +1  123.5477763 +1    1.2555982 +1     1     2     3
  C     1.49917104 +1  109.5950170 +1  120.8476988 +1     4     3     5
  C     1.33249047 +1  122.9445579 +1  114.4020361 +1     7     4     3
  H     1.08792429 +1  121.6384726 +1  179.1250557 +1     1     2     6
  H     1.08788739 +1  121.7163339 +1  179.0758620 +1     2     1     3
  H     1.11068734 +1  109.1917377 +1  122.0281252 +1     3     2     4
  H     1.10830495 +1  110.7126740 +1  115.7995956 +1     3     2    11
  H     1.11773672 +1  108.3193630 +1  120.9452923 +1     4     3     7
  H     1.10552721 +1  110.0860387 +1   58.7605450 +1     5     4     3
  H     1.10474877 +1  110.1714962 +1  116.6665349 +1     5     4    14
  H     1.10880171 +1  110.3378249 +1 -138.4498924 +1     6     1     2
  H     1.11112411 +1  109.1395228 +1 -115.5749861 +1     6     1    16
  H     1.08910380 +1  114.9757636 +1 -179.8900957 +1     7     4     8
  H     1.07850318 +1  123.9601943 +1    0.1408026 +1     8     7     4
  H     1.07870236 +1  123.4726976 +1 -179.9905891 +1     8     7    19